Перспективы социально-политического развития Польши после парламентских выборов 2023 г. // Вишеградская Европа. Центральноевропейский журнал. 2023. № 4. С. 91-101.
ISSN 2686-9756
The article examines the results of the parliamentary elections in Poland in October 2023 in the context of the continuation of the “Polish-Polish war”. Transformation of the national-conservative “Law and Justice” party into the “total opposition” and its active resistance to the policy of the new government marks a new round of political confrontation in the country. The focus of the new liberal government more on eliminating the political legacy of J. Kaczynski rather than on carrying out urgent reforms, also indicates the impossibility of “reconciliation” of these political forces. Special attention is paid to the problems of the implementation of election promises by the new government, threats to the stability of Poland’s political development in the next few years and the political prospects of the two opposing coalitions.
Keywords: Poland | parliamentary elections | J. Kaczynski | D. Tusk | “Polish-Polish war’’ |
Russian Science Citation Index
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