Kapelyushnikov Rostislav ,
Paradoxes of reservation wage setting in the Russian labor market. Part I
Publication Type:

ISSN 0042-8736

Using panel data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey for 2006-2014, the paper investigates reservation wages setting in the Russian labor market. The sample includes non-employed individuals wishing to get a job (both searchers and non-searchers). The first part of the paper provides a survey of previous empirical studies, describes data and analyzes subjective estimates of reservation wages in comparison with various objective indicators of actual wages. The analysis shows that wage aspirations of the majority of Russian non-employed individuals are overstated. However their wage expectations are rather flexible and decrease rapidly as the search continues that prevents high long-term unemployment. The second part of the paper provides an econometric analysis of main determinants of reservation wage and its impact on probability of re-employment and wages on searchers’ new jobs. 

Keywords: labor market | reservation wage | unemployment |

Russian Science Citation Index


Kapelyushnikov Rostislav ,
Paradoxes of reservation wage setting in the Russian labor market. Part II

Labor Market: Economic Crisis Reaction. Editors: Burdzhalov F., Gontmakher Y. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2011, 184 p.

Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
The Russian labor market: A statistical portrait on the crises background. Voprosy Ekonomiki. 2023;(8):5-37. (In Russ.)

Bogaevskaya Oksana
Рынок труда США: тенденции и вызовы // США и Канада: экономика, политика, культура. 2023. № 8. С. 17-26. DOI 10.31857/S2686673023080023.

Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
The Russian Labor Market: Paradoxes of Post-crisis Performance

Volkov Aleksei , Belukhin Nikita
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The anatomy of the corona crisis through the lens of the labor market adjustment

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The Russian Labour Market Model Trial by Recession

Kapelyushnikov Rostislav , Gimpelson V., Lukyanova A.L.
Ownership and Wage Differentiation in Russia.

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Demand and Supply of Skilled Labor in Russia: Who Ran Faster? Part I / R. Kapelyushnikov

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Demand and Supply of Skilled Labor in Russia: Who Ran Faster? Part II / R. Kapelyushnikov

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Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
Конец российской модели рынка труда? М., Фонд «Либеральная миссия», 2009, 72 с.

Syndyashkina Evgeniya
Государственная политика на рынке труда в странах ЕС: основные тенденции и направления трансформации // Социально-трудовые исследования. 2022. № 3 (48). С. 67-80. DOI 10.34022/2658-3712-2022-48-3-67-80.

Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
Expansion of vacant jobs in the Russian labor market: Dynamics, composition, triggers. Voprosy Ekonomiki. 2024;(7):81-111. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.32609/0042-8736-2024-7-81-111

Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
Productivity and Labor Compensation in Russia: How to Cope with Statistical Illusions. / R. Kapelyushnikov

Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
Российский рынок труда: адаптация без реструктуризации. М., ГУВШЭ, 2001, 22,5 п.л.

Kapelyushnikov Rostislav
The Russian labor market through the lenses of business surveys: a retrospective analysis. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2006.

Volkov Aleksei
Measures to overcome crises in Sweden

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