Terskikh Mikhail
COVID-19 Pandemic: The Vietnam Experience. Yugo-Vostochnaya Aziya: aktual`nyye problemy razvitiya, 2022, T. 1, No 1 (54). Pp. 206–214.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2072-8271

DOI 10.31696/2072-8271-2022-1-1-54-206-214

The article discusses the methods of dealing with a new coronavirus infection in Vietnam, the combination of which allows us to speak of a special "Vietnamese model". The actions of the Vietnamese leadership are analyzed, the features of socio-economic development during the pandemic are described. The author comes to the conclusion that initially Hanoi adhered to the “zero tolerance” strategy against the virus, however, when faced with a more virulent strain of COVID-19, it was forced to coexist with it.

Keywords: Vietnam | SRV | coronavirus | COVID-19 | economy of Vietnam |

Russian Science Citation Index


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