Badaeva Anna
The Pandemic Strategies of the Far-Right Parties in Western Europe. Outlines of Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, Law, vol. 13, no 5, pp. 94–113. DOI: 10.23932/2542-0240-2020-13-5-6.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2542-0240

DOI 10.23932/2542-0240-2020-13-5-6

The author explores the behavior of the West-European far-right parties under the coronavirus crisis circumstances. In the beginning stage of the COVID-19 pandemic in spring 2020 opposition right-wing nationalist parties tried immediately to take advantage of the difficult health situation and of the following social shock and economic problems. The actions and the rhetoric of these parties varied depending on the each country specific circumstances: number of pandemic casualties, strictness and effectiveness of measures taken by the government, national characteristic. Right-wing nationalist were able to achieve success exactly in those West-European countries, where the society was not enough consolidated. For example, Vlaams Belang in Belgium and Brothers of Italy became very popular. In front of this national cohesion and unity of society have created a formidable opposition to anti-government right-wing agitation. Political campaigns of Scandinavian far-right parties, Alternative for Germany, National Rally and the Freedom Par ty of Austria were almost ineffective. The current situation is unprecedented and indefinite. All sides of the political process are under tension and they are trying to calculate all possible scenarios for further development of events.

Keywords: Far Right parties | Western Europe | nationalism | populism | National Rally (RN) | Brothers of Italy (Fdl) | Alternative for Germany (AfD) | Sweden Democrats (SD) | Vlaams Belang (VB) | Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) |

Russian Science Citation Index


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