Pacific Asia: a «responsible leadership» challenge (mid-term outlook for economic and political development). Ed. by V. Amirov, V. Mikheev. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2011, 89 p.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-9535-0324-2

This collection of articles deals with the newly emerge subject of responsible leadership in Pacific Asia. Authors analyze reasons pushing this topic to the forefront. Among those reasons they particularly picked up is a searching for mechanisms to shape united space for integration of all Asia Pacific economies. So far integration processes are developing most actively in Pacific Asia in various modes and formats taking into account a diversity of the States present here. Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation and East Asian Summit are most representative economic and political formats in the region judging by their memberships. But from the point of view of practical promotion of integration processes China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (in force since
2010) and interaction within China-Japan-South Korea triangle are currently the most important.
That is why at the initial stage of exploring a new subject of responsible leadership in the extremely vital for Russia region of Pacific Asia authors turned their focus to mid-term perspective of developing above-mentioned regional key players.

Keywords: Pacific Asia | East Asian Summit | China-Japan-South Korea triangle |


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