Avatkov Vladimir, Yakimova D.
Relations between Germany and Turkey in the Context of the Migration Crisis
Publication Type:

ISSN 0201-7083

DOI 10.15211/soveurope320205160

The article explores the migration crisis in Europe, its impact on the relationship between two key partners - Germany and Turkey. Against the backdrop of the problems caused by the migration crisis, the securitization of international migration is taking place. The tendency of national interests’ prioritization among the EU Member States impeded the EU migration policy revision. The author provides insight into the evolution of the migration issue in Germany. In the context of the migration crisis, special attention is paid to the Germany-Turkish partnership, the role of the Turkish Diaspora in the relations between Berlin and Ankara. The author argues that the migration crisis had a dual impact on the bilateral relations resulting both in overlapping interests and in points of discord. Has countries are forced to search for pragmatic solutions even in the face of the emotional disputes and a crisis of trust.

Keywords: refugees | migration crisis | migration policy | European Union | Turkey | Germany | integration | diaspora |

Russian Science Citation Index


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