Rustamova Leili
Особенности правого радикализма в современной Германии // Евразийский юридический журнал. 2020. № 8 (147). С. 340-342. DOI 10.46320/2073-4506-2020-8-147-340-342.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2073-4506

DOI 10.46320/2073-4506-2020-8-147-340-342

Despite the sad historical experience right-wing radical parties were created throughout post-war Germany. However they were extremely weak, incapable of long-term existence and politically unpromising. The only “successful” party is the National Democratic Party, which made its way to the state parliaments with mixed results, but did not achieve success at the federal level. Right-wing radicalism as a political movement based on the division of people into groups with different levels of rights, in Germany takes the form of nationalism and is associated by most experts with the consequences of migration and the ineffectiveness of the policy of multiculturalism. A serious increase in the number of migrants arriving in Germany led to the fact that right-wing radical sentiments began to grow in German society. However, the right-wing radicalism in modern Germany is different from the right-wing radicalism of the past. This article examines the features of right-wing radicalism in modern Germany, as well as the possible threats that its spread in Germany is fraught with.

Russian Science Citation Index


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