Baranovsky Vladimir
Basic Parameters of Modern System of International Relations (Part I) // Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 3. P. 36–44.
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On the edge of the 20th and 21st centuries, we are witnessing a grandiose transformation of the system of international relations. In his article, prominent expert in IR, member of the RAS Vladimir Baranovskiy analyzes how the world overcomes the “socialism” (in its Soviet interpretation) versus “capitalism” bipolar dichotomy that has dominated in the East-West zone for several decades.

Keywords: modern system | socialism | capitalism | system of international relations |

Russian Science Citation Index


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Which Capitalism Is Better?/ V. Klinov, E. Sidorova // Voprosy Economiki. – 2011. – № 9. – P. 142-151.

Kupriyanov Alexey
Возвращение системной полицентричности // Россия в глобальной политике. 2020. Т. 18, № 4 (104). С. 96-110.

Baranovsky Vladimir
Basic Parameters of Modern System of International Relations. Part III. // Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 5. P. 148–158.

Baranovsky Vladimir
Basic Parameters of Modern System of International Relations. Part II. Qualitative Parameters // Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 4. P. 63–73.

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Salitskii Alexander
China: from Practice to Theories

Lapkin Vladimir
«Modernization» and «Capitalism»: Rethinking Contemporary Political Change //Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 6. P. 41-54

Boreyko Anton
Tectology of A. Bogdanov and World-System Analysis in the Theory of International Relations

Kondrat’ev Vladimir
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Klinova Marina
A View in the Retrospect of Time: A History of State and Business Interaction. Russian and Soviet Marxism on the State’s Role in the Economy // Economic Strategies. – 2017. – No 5 (147). – P. 200–213.

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Социология международных отношений в парадигмах поведения и деятельности [Текст] / А. Б. Каримова // Наука. Культура. Общество. – 2018. – № 2-3. – С. 40-56.

Kosolapov Nikolay
Очерки теории и политического анализа международных отношений. М., Научно-образовательный форум по международным отношениям, 2002, 24 п.л.

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The evolution of modern capitalism. Russia should participate in the global process of evolution.

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Malyshev Dmitry
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Makarevich Gleb
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Frolov Alexander
Teaching international courses in tourism higher education institution

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