Prokhorenko Irina
On Methodological Problems of Contemporary Political Spaces Analysis // Polis Journal.Political Studies, 2012, № 6. P. 68-80.
Publication Type:

The article discusses the state of reflection on political space in contemporary political research, paying special attention to the plurality of existing concepts and to difficulties in its identification, due to differing theoretical approaches among researchers. The author seeks to evaluate its cognitive potential in political analysis and raises problems of qualitative characteristics of political spaces, their dimensions, levels and forms of interaction. A special section is dedicated to the conceptualization of transnational political spaces in international studies theory and to the supranational region as their dynamic form.

Keywords: contemporary political research | political spaces | political analysis |

Russian Science Citation Index


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Latin America: Experiments with Structuring Transnational Political Spaces / Prokhorenko Irina L.

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Prokhorenko Irina
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Prokhorenko Irina
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The Indo-Pacific Strategy of the Biden Administration: Continuity and New Trends

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Rustamova Leili
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