Gronsky Alexander
The Image of K. Kalinowski in the Articles Included in the Miscellanies of Byelorussian Scientific Conferences of the Beginning of the 21st Century
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DOI 10.24030/24092517-2023-0-3-314-324

In the article the author examines a number of texts by Byelorussian scientists published in the miscellanies of scientifi c conferences held in Byelorussia at the beginning of the 21st century. The content of these texts shows that Byelorussian scientists idealize the fi gure of the Polish rebel K. Kalinowski, using ideological cliches and interpretations that form the idea that the Polish rebel K. Kalinowski was a Byelorussian.

Keywords: K. Kalinowski | the Polish Uprising of 1863–1864 | Byelorussian Historiography | Byelorussian National Heroics | Byelorussian Mythology of History |


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