Gronsky Alexander
The Image of K. Kalinowsky in the Byelorussian Historical Policy of the Late 20th – Early 21st Century
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DOI 10.24030/24092517-2023-0-3-300-313

In the article the author examines the transformation of the image of the Polish insurgent K. Kalinowsky in the context of that image exploitation by the Byelorussian historical policy of the late twentieth – early twenty fi rst century. He considers the gradual departure from the purely mythologized image of K. Kalinovsky to a more objective view of this historical fi gure. It is doubtful that the offi cial Byelorussian historical policy will fi nally abandon the Byelorussian image of the Polish rebel since without K. Kalinouski as a Byelorussian, there exists ceryain fear of losing the presence in the historical arena of the particular period.

Keywords: K. Kalinowski | the Polish Uprising of 1863–1864 | Byelorussian Historical Politics | Byelorussian National Heroics | Byelorussian Mythology of History |


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