Gadzhiev Kamaludin
On the New Right Alternative
ISSN 0869-4435
On the New Right Alternative
Publication Type:
ISSN 0869-4435
The article provides an analysis of a set of values, ideas and attitudes of parties and movements of the new right-wing orientation, which opposes the positions some of the parties and movements that undermine traditional values and institutions of the European Judeo-Christian civilization. It is shown that the growing popularity and influence of the New Right in many European countries and the United States is one of the answers to the new challenges to the socio-political system of the modern West.
Keywords: anti-Semitism | conservative | culture | right-wing radicalism | the New Right | tradition | xenophobia |
Russian Science Citation Index
Gadzhiev Kamaludin
The Contemporary American Conservatism: Social and Cultural Aspects / K. Gadzhiev
Rustamova Leili
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Rabotyazhev Nikolay
Between tradition and utopia left-wing conservatism in Russia
Gudimenko Dmitry
Украинский национализм как идеология и политическая практика /Д.В.Гудименко // Бюллетень Центра этнорелигиозных исследований. 2016. №4. – С.27–38.
Sigachev Maxim
Европейский идентаризм как паннационалистическое течение: между разделением и интеграцией // Каспийский регион: политика, экономика, культура. 2023. № 1 (74). С. 59-63. DOI 10.54398/1818510Х_2023_1_59.
Gadzhiev Kamaludin
Conservatism in the Modern World: Crisis or Revival? / K. Gadgiev
Shumitskaya Ekaterina
Populism and authoritarian tradition in the political life of Bulgaria and Romania
Rabotyazhev Nikolay
Left-Wing Conservatizm: Nostalgia for Utopia?
Vasiliev Victor
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Sigachev Maxim, Sleptsov E., Fadeev E.
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Arteev Sergei, Bunevich D., Sigachev Maxim
The New Populism in New Europe: Hungarian and Polish Examples in the Scientific Discourse. Post-Soviet Issues. 2022;9(1):92–110. DOI:
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Political party systems and political ideologies in the Western countries in the early XXIst century: factors of evolution and trends of transformation / Ed. by E.G. Solovyev. – Moscow, IMEMO, 2016. – 127 p.
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«Perestroika» or tactics in the service of strategy? Women’s question in the programmes and practices of right-wing populists in the leading countries of Western Europe
Avtonomov Vladimir
Three sources and three heroes of the Marginal Revolution
Rabotyazhev Nikolay
Консерватизм и модернизация: единство или борьба противоположностей? [Текст] / Н.В. Работяжев // Полития. Журнал политической философии и социологии политики. – 2015. – № 1. – С. 153 – 174.
Smirnov Alexey
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Концепция глобального консерватизма.Традиционные ценности как мост между Россией и Западом // Россия в глобальной политике. 2023. Т. 21, № 5. С. 108-123. DOI 10.31278/1810-6439-2023-21-5-108-123.
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