Lukashin Yu., Rakhlina Lyudmila
On global trends in the global forecast of the US National Intelligence Council until 2040
Publication Type:

ISSN 2411-5703

DOI 10.25634/MIRBIS.2022.1.1.

The relevance of the article is due to the aggravation of competition in the world market, the gradual transition from a unipolar world to a multipolar one. The article attempts to analyze the main conclusions made in Report 7 of the National Intelligence Council (NIC), which is logically divided into two parts: Trends and Scenarios. This article is devoted to the analysis of trends. Scenario analysis carried out in a previously published article8. The forecasts made in the Report provide an insight into the U.S. leadership of the processes taking place in the world, which seem to underlie the long-term planning of the American government. Comparing the forecasts with the facts of real life and real actions of the US government, the authors of the article come to the conclusion that some of them can be agreed. At the same time, the Report is an instrument of ideological struggle and serves as a justification for the actions of the United States in its own interests, a factor in the information war with world competitors and opponents. The primary place in the forecasts for the next 20 years is given to new technologies and the socio-economic consequences of their introduction, the new role of the United States in the world space, the growth of China. According to the authors of the article, the Report underestimates the role and weight of Russia, hushes up the contradictions of the countries of the Western world, underestimates the power of the crisis into which the West is entering. The article is intended for government bodies, researchers, students.

Keywords: world economy | comparison of economic development | international relations | uneven development of economies | multipolar world |

Russian Science Citation Index


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