The New Populism in New Europe: Hungarian and Polish Examples in the Scientific Discourse. Post-Soviet Issues. 2022;9(1):92–110. DOI:
ISSN 2313-8920
DOI 10.24975/2313-8920-2022-9-1-92-110
The article analyzes the phenomenon of new populism in Central and Eastern Europe, taking as an example such countries as Hungary and Poland. The object of research is scientific discourse, and the subject is its segment, directly or indirectly related to populism in CEE. The main problems, aspects and positions that exist in the scientific community on the topic of populism are identified. This article explores the questions of whether populists in CEE countries are bearers of the potential for alternativeism.The piece also raises the problem of the model of the world order and the possibility of projecting an Eastern European alternative development-Most attention is paid to the answers to these research questions. In addition, the article outlines possible prospects for the development of the scientific discourse of populism, including in a comparative political key.
Keywords: populism | right-wing populism | right-wing radicalism | Fidez | Orban | Right and Justice |
Russian Science Citation Index
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