New Trends in the Bank Sector of Asia
ISSN 0869-8589
The post-crisis period is characterized by an increase in the volume of borrowed funds in emerging Asia. Since the end of the global credit and financial crisis, there has been a constant increase in the level of loans in relation to GDP in their economy amid a reduction in Western European and American loans. At the same time, the growing role of credit as a driver of growth, employment and incomes of the population is accompanied by an increase in the burden on the banking and corporate sector. Asian banks have significantly reduced the share of “bad loans”, improved the quality of assets, especially in consumer loans, and increased their capital. However, the financial results of banks in a number of sectors of the economy are beginning to deteriorate, which requires major changes to be made to the banking system in order to increase diversification, efficiency and inclusion of banking operations.
Keywords: Asia | banking sector | asset quality | diversification | financial leverage | credit cycle | banking risks |
Russian Science Citation Index
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