The Latest Stage of Canada`s Policy Towards China: Transition to Confrontation?
ISSN 2686-6730
DOI 10.31857/S268667300017540-4
Over the years, Canada and China have been partners in the economic, trade, science and technology and other fields. However over the past two years, relations between Canada and China have deteriorated in stages. Canada found itself embroiled in a struggle between two economic giants - the United States and China. In early 2021, the confrontation moved to a new level: the Canadian government introduced trade restrictions in connection with the deterioration of the situation around the rights of ethnic minorities in China. This article focuses on the policy of Ottawa in the context of a sharp exacerbation of bilateral relations. It also analyzes if Canada is able to maneuver in complexly structured economic and political conditions, without compromising its principles and values, without losing weight in the international arena and without aggravating relations with the two largest trading partners.
Keywords: Canada | China | USA | bilateral relations | challenge | aggravation of relations |
Russian Science Citation Index
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