Rastol'tsev Sergey, Romashkina Natalia
Unresolved conflicts on the Post-soviet space in Europe and the role of Russia in the settlement (transnistrian and nagorno-karabakh conflicts cases)
Publication Type:

ISSN 1680-2772

The article analyzes the discussion about the terminology used to describe the phenomenon of unresolved conflicts in Europe, particularly in the post-Soviet space, different approaches to define this type of conflict, mainly two definitions - “frozen” and “protracted” conflicts. To achieve a balanced approach to assessing the role of Russia is proposed to use the theory of regional security complexes, which allows you to systematically assess the Russian policy of conflict resolution at different security levels.

Keywords: terminology of conflicts | conflict resolution | «frozen» conflict | «protracted» conflict | Nagorno-Karabakh conflict | Transnistria Conflict | Georgian-Ossetian Conflict | Georgian-Abkhaz Conflict |

Russian Science Citation Index


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