Some estimates of the severe ice conditions in the Pechora Sea based on observational and modeling data (simulation and analysis). Arctic: Ecology and Economy, 2024, vol. 14, no. 1, рр. 24—35. DOI: 10.25283/2223-4594-2024-1-24-35. (In Russian).
ISSN 2223-4594
The work continues the study focused on the analysis of the severe ice conditions’ formation in the Pechora Sea during navigation in 2003 and 2018 (published in vol.12, no.4, 2022). Using a numerical model, the authors reproduce the dynamics and some elements of the morphometry of the ice cover during the indicated ice seasons. Thus, they reveal that the significant ice pressure (100-150 kPa and more) is caused by the strong on-shore wind, while the ice pressure related to the tidal phenomena have the predominant value at the weak winds. The tidal ice pressure occurs permanently and regularly, and varies mainly within the range of 10-50 kPa. The contribution of ice hummocks to the total ice volume becomes significant when strong ice pressure happens at the background of high ice thickness (close to the seasonal maximum, i.e. more than 60-70 cm). With small ice thicknesses, even strong ice pressure, as a rule, does not lead to a significant increase in the equivalent thickness of hummocks.
Keywords: Pechora Sea | ice cover | numerical modeling | ice pressure | tidal phenomena | equivalent thickness of ice hummocks |
Russian Science Citation Index
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