Olenchenko Vladimir
Warren Buffett Nekonfrantatsionny Americanism.
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The article presents analyse Warren Buffett coming-to-be a businessman, to single out his individual features, which helped him to get success, to demonstrate his behavior in concrete situations. Also origin and developments of his world outlook view is considered. It’s worth to mark that Warren Buffett due to family tradition is a representative and exponent of American pioneers’ romantic ideas. His attitude to political, economic, social processes in USA, passed before and current at present, let us to take Warren Buffett as a supporter of a sort of Americanism, which is appropriate to name nonconfrontational (non-aggressive). In article thereupon an assumption is delivered that the part of American society, which Warren Buffett personifies, is reasonably to regard as a considerable resourse of the advancement of political and economic relations between Russia and USA. 

Keywords: Warren Buffett | biography | stock market | global crises of 2008–2009 years | investments’ business | American West | Americanism | relations between Russia and USA |

Russian Science Citation Index


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