Milovidov Vladimir
Investor Sentiment and Stock Market Dynamics: Ways to Forecast Stock Prices // Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2024. Vol. 35. No. 4. Pp. 518-529.
Publication Type:

ISSN 0868-6351

The article analyzes search queries in the Russian and American segments of Google. The author proposes a methodology for selecting and classifying search queries that reflect investor sentiment, which potentially influence the activity of the population in the financial market. The article calculates sentiment indices for the United States and Russia, demonstrating a high correlation with the national stock indices S&P500 and IMOEX. The author summarizes that financial market quotes can be determined as indicators of investor sentiment, which in turn are formed on the basis of a complex of economic and noneconomic factors.

Keywords: Google | S&P500 | IMOEX | investor sentiment | stock market | market quotes | senti-ment index | investor behavior | social networks |

Russian Science Citation Index


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