Modernization of the Caspian States economy (Kazakhstan as an example)
ISSN 2313-8920
DOI 10.24975/2313-8920-2018-5-3-251-267
The emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union countries of the Caspian region have much in common in their resource and economic conditions. The dynamics of their development is also largely identical. Therefore, the article considers the processes of modernization of the Kazakhstan's economy during the independence period as a typical state of the region. The author investigated the reasons for the choice of the resource model in the course of going to the world economy and the government actions on economic modernization and the beginning of the transition to innovation and industrial development.
Keywords: Caspian region | modernization of economy | resource model of development | programs of innovative and industrial development | development institutions | macroeconomic indicators | transport and logistics system | infrastructure modernization |
Russian Science Citation Index
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