China’s multicomponent self-positioning system in the Arctic: Theory and practice. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations, 2024, vol. 17, issue 3, pp. 260–275. (In Russian)
ISSN 2658-6029
The article discusses the theory of the development of China’s Arctic Self-Positioning approaches, as well as the political and diplomatic practice of their implementation in the Arctic. China’s search for self-identity in the Arctic from the late 2000s to the late 2010s is developing into a multi-component system of China’s Arctic Self-Positioning, consisting of six approaches officially applied by Beijing — the Arctic dimension of “a responsible major country”, “Near-Arctic State”, “an important stakeholder in Arctic affairs”, “an active participant, builder and contributor”. The complementarity of the strengths of China’s Arctic Self-Positioning approaches serves as a kind of “a connecting link” of the Multicomponent System. Thus, while the “Near-Arctic State” Self-Positioning emphasizes China’s special geostrategic place among non-Arctic States, the “an important stakeholder” approach emphasizes China’s special role in Arctic affairs. The article analyzes Chinese versions of positioning approaches borrowed from the West, as well as their substantive differences from the original versions. The analysis of Chinese expert discourse allowed us to comprehend the process of formation of the positioning approach from an idea to an officially declared concept implemented within the framework of China’s Foreign Policy. This is relevant in terms of understanding how China’s Foreign Policy identity is formed in the Xi Jinping era. The strengths and weaknesses of each of the approaches of China’s positioning in the Arctic are studied separately. The practice of implementing China’s approaches to positioning in the Arctic is analyzed, as well as the reactions of the West and the Arctic states. Official documents and statements on China’s Arctic positioning are analyzed in detail. The content of the expert version of the positioning approaches is compared with the official interpretation.
Keywords: Arctic Self-Positioning | “Near-Arctic State” | “an important stakeholder in Arctic affairs” | “a responsible major country” |
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