Милитаризация науки и ее влияние на развитие экономики [Текст] / О. Н Гилькова // Современная наука: актуальные проблемы теории и практики. Серия: экономика и право. – 2018. – № 1. – С. 78-81.
ISSN 2223-2974
The article discusses various approaches to assessing the impact of the militarization of science on the development of the economy of the state. Based on the study of the experience of the United States the positive and negative impact of the increase in expenditures on military R & d for the civilian sector of the economy are designated. Examples of use of results of military R & d for peaceful purposes are provided. The basic complexities of the theoretical possibility of applying the results of military R & d in the civilian sphere of production are revealed.
Russian Science Citation Index
Kutsyna Elena
The innovative activity as an element of the military and economic preparations / Kutsyna Elena A.
Kutsyna Elena
Системный подход к исследованию инноваций в военно-промышленном комплексе развитых стран / Е.А. Куцына // Вооружение и экономика. – 2011. – № 15. – С. 63-72.
Zaklyazminskaya Ekaterina
China’s Scientific and Technological Potential under US Technological Sanctions // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2022. Vol. 92, Issue 5. P. 643–649. DOI 10.1134/S1019331622050070.
Zaklyazminskaya Ekaterina
Научно-технический потенциал Китая в условиях технологических санкций США // Вестник Российской академии наук. 2022. Т. 92, № 9. С. 885-892. DOI 10.31857/S0869587322090122.
Pankova Ludmila
Гонка вооружений и принцип достаточности [Текст] / Л.В. Панкова // Металлы Евразии. – 2017. – № 5. – С. 6-8.
Ivanova Natalya
Будущее в настоящем / Н.И. Иванова // Прямые инвестиции. – 2008. – № 5. – С. 4-7.
Adno Yuri
Металлургия в 2017 году: умеренный оптимизм [Текст] / Ю.Л. Адно // Черные металлы. – 2017. – № 11. – С. 72-80.Металлургия в 2017 году: умеренный оптимизм [Текст] / Ю.Л. Адно // Черные металлы. – 2017. – № 11. – С. 72-80.
Salitskii Alexander
Chinese Science and Technology in Global Market
Bogacheva Olga
Research excellence index as instrument of performance-oriented budgeting
Bogacheva Olga
Defining the main types of research and development for purposes of shaping state R&D policy in Russia and in OECD countries
Dmitriev Sergey
Electric Cars – "Pipe Dream" of B. Obama or Investment in the Future?
Danilin Ivan
Transformation of the U.S. Model of State Science and Technology Policy: from G. Bush to B. Obama. Moscow, Ideya-PRESS, 2009. 64 p.
Mogilevkin Ilya
Transport and Communication Infrastructure: its Importance for Division of Labor and Technological Progress. Integration Interests in Russia. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2006.
Kirichenko Irina
Китай: научно-техническое сотрудничество в контексте стратегических установок социально-экономической политики // Инновации. 2020. № 8. С. 89-95. DOI 10.26310/2071-3010.2020.262.8.011.
Shvydko Vitaly
Science and Innovation Policy of the Japanese Government
Dezhina Irina
Меняющиеся приоритеты международного научно-технологического сотрудничества России / И.Г. Дежина // Экономическая политика. – 2010. – № 5. – С. 143–155.
Bogacheva Olga, Feoktistova O.A.
Methodological approaches to assessing the standard costs for R&D
Bogacheva Olga, Feoktistova O.A.
State R&D Assignments: Approach to Determining their Budgets Based Normative Costs
On the Threshold of Knowledge-based Economy (the World Practices of Research and Innovation Development). Ed. by Dynkin A.A., Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences; Dagayev A.A. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2004.
Danilin Ivan
Public Science and Technology Policy of the USA. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2004. 113 p.
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