Nevskaya Anastasia
Russian migrants in the EU countries
Publication Type:

ISSN 0201-7083

DOI 10.15211/soveurope420155968

Statistics has registered a sharp increase in immigration sentiment among Russians, the middle class and even the “blue-collars,” in 2014. The paper uncovers the core trends in this field and proposes possible measures to be taken by Russian institutions in order to resolve the problem.
The article provides a classification of groups of Russian citizens migrating to the EU countries, Norway and Switzerland; their distribution across the region; considers the emigration motives and behavior of the individuals and Russian communities in the host countries. More detailed analysis of the statistical data is given using the case of the Netherlands. 

Keywords: Russia-EU relations | migration | brain drain | corporate migration | migration politics | expat community | refugees | compatriots |

Russian Science Citation Index


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