Romashkina Natalia
Международно-правовой режим контроля над кибероружием в будущем миропорядке: угрозы и перспективы // Дипломатическая служба. 2023. № 2. С. 150-161. DOI 10.33920/vne-01-2302-07.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2075-4140

DOI 10.33920/vne-01-2302-07

The article is devoted to the analysis of the growing number of problems in the global environment of information and communication technologies (ICT), which characterize the current crisis military-political situation. Until recently, experts from different countries spoke about many of them purely theoretically, and possible scenarios of using ICT for malicious influence on military critical infrastructure were sometimes even denied. Now this problem is not only recognized by the scientific and expert community, but we are already talking about the voiced facts of the practical use of cyber weapons, other information and cyber means in the conditions of the crisis. Thus, the malicious use of ICT can provoke the outbreak of an interstate military conflict. First of all, because of the disproportionate use of methods of responding to threats and attacks, when the affected party can use real weapons in response. In addition, a conflict may arise by mistake, since there is currently no universal methodology for identifying violators, criteria for classifying cyberattacks as an armed attack have not been worked out, universal principles for investigating incidents have not been formed. The issues of coordination of measures taken in response to information operations recognized as acts of use of force have not yet been resolved. As a result, information wars and the use of new technologies can become the detonator of an interstate military conflict with the use of even nuclear weapons. Therefore, the question of the need for active actions of the "great powers" to prevent conflicts in the global information space, which in the conditions of military operations can develop into a global conflict, is as relevant as possible. The article provides a factual analysis of ICT threats during the special military operation of Russia, explores the possibilities of creating an international regime for the prohibition of information (including cybernetic) weapons, the relevance and increasing importance of studying these processes by the scientific community. The article substantiates the formulation of the problem of international information security as part of a broader topic of international security against the background of global challenges.

Russian Science Citation Index


Romashkina Natalia
Global Military Political Problems in International Informational Security: Trends, Threats and Prospects

Romashkina Natalia
Информационная безопасность как часть проблемы обеспечения стратегической стабильности [Текст] / Н. П. Ромашкина // Стратегическая стабильность. – 2018. – № 1 (82). – С. 8-13.

Romashkina Natalia
Политика КНР по противодействию угрозам информационной безопасности [Текст] / Н. П. Ромашкина, В. Г. Задремайлова // Информационные войны. – 2019. – № 3 (51). – С. 85-93.

Romashkina Natalia
Роль научных и образовательных учреждений в реализации Доктрины информационной безопасности 2016 года [Текст] / Н.П. Ромашкина // Международная жизнь. – 2017. – Спецвыпуск "Россия и информационная безопасность". – С. 153-156.

Romashkina Natalia, Stefanovich Dmitry
Стратегические риски и проблемы кибербезопасности // Вопросы кибербезопасности. 2020. № 5. С. 77-86. DOI 10.21681/2311-3456-2020-05-77-86.

Karasev Pavel, Sokolov V., Sharyapov R.
Thomas Theorem, methodology of Information Operations and applications of Artificial Intelligence // International Journal of Open Information Technologie : [electronic journal]. – 2021. – Т. 9, № 10. – С. 90-98. – URL: (accessed date: 08.12.2021).

Informational Security Problems in Modern International crises and conflicts of XXI century / A.V. Zagorski, N.P. Romashkina, eds. – Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2016. – 183 p.

Romashkina Natalia
Информационный суверенитет в современную эпоху стратегического противоборства [Текст] / Н. П. Ромашкина // Информационные войны. – 2019. – № 4 (52). – С. 14-19.

Romashkina Natalia, Markov A., Stefanovich Dmitry
Romashkina N.P., Markov A.S., Stefanovich D.V. International Security, Strategic Stability and Information Technologies – Moscow, IMEMO, 2020. – 98 p.

Romashkina Natalia
International Information Security: Russian Diplomacy at the UN

Romashkina Natalia, Peresypkina O.V.
Information and psychological impact during the crisis in Ukraine: lessons for Russia

Romashkina Natalia
Спутниковые информационные технологии в период кризиса и военных операций: состояние, проблемы, перспективы // Международная жизнь. 2024. № 4. С. 96-107.

Karasev Pavel
Внешняя политика США в киберпространстве при Дж.Байдене - первые шаги // Вестник ученых-международников : электронный журнал. 2021. Т. 2, № 16. С. 21-30. URL: Дата публикации: 30.08.2021.

Stefanovich Dmitry
Космическая инфраструктура первого контрсилового удара: реальность, восприятие, перспективы [Текст] / Д. В. Стефанович // Россия в глобальной политике. – 2020. – № 5 (105).

Karasev Pavel
Эволюция национальных подходов к ведению кибервойны // Международная аналитика. 2022. Т. 13, № 2. С. 79-94. DOI 10.46272/2587-8476-2022-13-2-79-94.

Karasev Pavel
Evolution of National Approaches to Cyber Warfare

Romashkina Natalia
Проблемы международной информационной безопасности: компромисс между Россией и Западом? [Текст] / Н.П. Ромашкина // Европейская безопасность: события, оценки, прогнозы. – 2016. – Вып. 41 (57). – С. 9 – 12.

Korsakov Georgiy
Role of Information Weapon in U.S. Military-Political Strategy / Korsakov G.

Rustamova Leili
Использование информационных методов борьбы террористической организацией ИГИЛ [Текст] / Л. Р. Рустамова // Международная жизнь. – 2019. – № 5. – С. 112-119.
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