Nikitin Andrey
International practice of the blockchain technology usage in recording and registration systems for land rights
Publication Type:

ISSN 2079-4665

DOI 10.18184/2079-4665.2022.13.2.222-237

Purpose: the purpose of this article is to study the current and potential opportunities for using blockchain technology in systems for recording and registering property rights to land. Methods: the work was based on a comprehensive and system analysis, a comparison of international practices for working with blockchain technology, as well as the study and comparison of existing international practices in the subject area under consideration. Results: systems based on blockchain technology can be used in systems for recording and registering rights to land plots, however, they must be adapted to the existing procedure and consider legal requirements. Since an institutional infrastructure is needed to guarantee real estate rights, only the use of closed private or hybrid blockchain technology, administered by employees of a public institution and used by legitimate participants in real estate transactions (e.g., notaries and real estate lawyers) with the provision of proper user identification, can be accepted. into account.These theses are confirmed by practical examples based on the results of the analysis among 12 countries. In states with a high degree of digitalization of rights registration systems, a significant level of involvement of state bodies remains, and a system based on the principles of a private closed blockchain is used as an additional technology that supports existing registration systems. Conclusions and Relevance: blockchain technology can be used as a tool to improve the efficiency of existing land registration systems and increase the security level of ongoing transactions. At the same time, transactions will be transparent, immutable and recoverable. However, taking into account the specifics of registration and transfer of rights, features of legislative and legal norms. It is recommended to continue the discussion of the optimal legal and technical ways to use the opportunities offered by blockchain technology, in accordance with the main functions of accounting and registration systems for land rights.

Keywords: blockchain | information technology | cadastral systems | property rights | land property conflict of interest |

Russian Science Citation Index


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