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Мировой кризис и глобальные перспективы энергетических рынков. Сост. и науч. ред. С.В. Чебанов. М.: ИМЭМО РАН, 2009, 150 с.

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Financial Crisis-2008: Entering Global Recession / L. Grigoriev, M. Salikhov

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Регулирование глобальных финансов [Текст] / Я.М. Миркин // Вестник НАУФОР. – 2014. – № 7-8. – С. 68 – 81.

Pacific Asia: Economic & Political Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis. Ed. by V. Amirov, E. Kanaev and V. Mikheev (in Russian) Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2010, 135 p.

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Supranational Budget Regulation in the EU: Crisis and after Crisis / The Financial Crisis and Political Economy of the International Relations.7th Russian International Studies Association Convention. MGIMO-University, 2012, 28-29 September. Ed. I.N. Platonova. Moscow, Aspect-Press, MGIMO-University, 2013. P. 84-91.

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The lessons of the Asian financial crisis of 1997-1998. for the economies of the Pacific Rim countries

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Игра по правилам или право сильного. Что ждет мировую торговлю? // Мир перемен. 2021. № 2. С. 70-83. DOI 10.51905/2073-3038_2021_2_70.

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International financial market - the current state of development.

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Изменения в архитектуре финансовых рынков после мирового экономического кризиса 2007-2009 гг. // Банковские услуги. 2020. № 10. С. 9-21. DOI 10.36992/2075-1915_2020_10 _9.
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On January 31, 2025 at 14:00 in the IMEMO conference hall a meeting of the Scientific and Theoretical Seminar of Center for Comparative Socio-Economic and Political Studies was held.


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