Zimakov Andrei
Международные инвестиционные споры: Германия в МЦУИС [Текст] / А.В. Зимаков // Международное экономическое право. – 2017. – № 4. – С. 10-18.
Publication Type:
The article analyzes two cases when Germany became part of investment arbitration in ICSID. In both cases Swedish energy company Vattenfall was claimant. But if the first arbitration the German government was brought to court for actions of a regional government, in the second case it was due to its own decision on accelerated nuclear phase-out. The decision as of 2011 was taken in short time and without discussing with business reps what led to significant infringement of rights of the nuclear industry. At the same time an application of a Swedish company to ICSID against a EU member state entailed a counteraction of EU Comission which decided to join the arbitration as amicus curiae. Ultimately the effectiveness of ICSID arbitration for Vattenfall can be considered as positive. In the first case the parties reached an amicable settlement, and in the second a similar outcome can be expected due to favorable decision of the German constitutional court on obligation of fair and just compensation. It can be said that the ICSID arbitration proceeding alone helps the company to achieve desired outcome in negotiations with government authorities as a political tool. 

Keywords: International investment arbitration | investment dispute | Germany | nuclear energy | constitutional court | ICSID | Energy Charter |

Russian Science Citation Index


Zimakov Andrei
Resolution on Accelerated Withdrawal of Germany from Nuclear Energetics: Federal Administrative Court, Constitutional Court, International Arbitration. What Next?

Zimakov Andrei, Popov E.
EU Clean Energy Transition and Challenges for International Investors: Comparative Review of German Practice

Varnavskii Vladimir
Инвестиционный фонд – новый инструмент промышленной политики государства / В.Г. Варнавский // Экономика строительства. – 2008. – № 1. – С. 5–16.

Subbotin Mikhail
Криминальный инвестиционный климат / М.А. Субботин // ЭКО. – 2011. – № 7. – С. 74–91.

Sheinis Viktor
Constitutional Court in Russia’s Political and Legal System

Khalova G., Illeritsky Nikita
Энергетическая геополитика и трансформация ШОС: от Центральной Азии к Евразии и многополярному миру // Энергетическая политика. 2023. № 2 (180). С. 78-85. DOI 10.46920/2409-5516_2023_2180_78.

Ivanov Stanislav
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Kuzmina Elena
Kazakhstan’s Energy System: Risks and Opportunities. – Geoeconomics of Energetics. № 4 (24). P. 42–54. DOI: 10.48137/26870703_2023_24_4_42

Glazova Elena , Stepanova Mariya
Суверенный фонд Норвегии – крупнейший инвестор мирового финансового рынка [Текст] / Е.С. Глазова, М.П. Степанова // Финансовый менеджмент. – 2017. – № 4. – С. 46-64.

Zimakov A.V.
Энергетика Евросоюза в условиях мирового экономического кризиса: шанс для АЭС? / А.В. Зимаков // Международная экономика. – 2010. – № 8. – С. 66–70.

Sinitsyn Mikhail, Gakhokidze Irine
Administrative and regulatory mechanisms for promoting renewables in the power industry

Varnavskii Vladimir
Private and public partnership in the industry of Russia

Rogozhin Alexander
Уникальный справочник по Вьетнаму. Рец. на кн.: Вьетнам - торговый  и  инвестиционный  партнёр:  Справочник. М.: ИКСА РАН. 2022. 389 с // Вьетнамские исследования. 2022. Т. 6, № 4. С. 83-85. DOI 10.54631/VS.2022.64-117630.

Investment Model of the Development of Russia. Ed. by Dynkin A.A., Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the RF; Kondratyev V.B. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2003.

Bragina Elena
Economic Relations of India with the Countries of Southeast Asia – Investment Aspect. Yugo-Vostochnaya Aziya: aktual'nyye problemy razvitiya, 2021, T. II, № 2 (51). Pp. 102–109. DOI:10.31696/2072-8271-2021-2-2-51-102-109

Zimakov Andrei
Европейские модели экологичной электроэнергетики: состояние и перспективы [Текст] / А. В. Зимаков // Вестник Института экономики РАН. – 2019. – № 4. – С. 154-168. DOI: 10.24411/2073-6487-2019-10052.

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German Investment into Russia: Undeveloped Opportunities / Toganova Natalya

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Ядерное разоружение, нераспространение, энергетика: перспективы сотрудничества между Россией и США. М., ИМЭМО РАН, 2010, 78 c., М., ИНФРА-М, 2010, 78 с.
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