Tikhomirov Sergey
International strategy for disasters reduction and International law
ISSN 0132-0769
International strategy for disasters reduction and International law
Publication Type:
ISSN 0132-0769
The problems of protection of civilian population against the consequences of natural disasters have many actuality. However, principal mission of the States and of the international organizations is to use preliminary measures in direction of prevention such natural disasters, to cooperation in the reduction of dangerous antropogenical load for the environment.
Keywords: natural disaster | disaster risk reduction | environment protection | international disaster response | International Law |
Russian Science Citation Index
Tikhomirov Sergey
International legal aspect solutions to the universal problem of increasing damage by natural disasters
Tikhomirov Sergey
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Tikhomirov Sergey
Comprehensive disaster damage management planning and the safety of advanced technologies to improve its efficiency (political and legal aspects)
Lina Zapadinskya
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