Stepanova Ekaterina
Between War and Peace: Peace Process and Armed Conflict: in Persian / M. Maghsoudi (preface) ; Sh.Mohammadi, A.Bijan (transl.). – Tehran : Peace Culture Charter, 1403 (2024). – 296 p. – ISBN: 978-622-6801-47-8.
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-622-6801-47-8

This is the first Persian edition of an IMEMO book in decades. The book is devoted not so much to the problems of war and peace in general, but to a more specific stage of the transition from war to peace that can take different paths. The book addresses a narrower but increasingly relevant topic – armed violence that persists at the stage of a peace process, or a peace process that takes place in the context of ongoing armed conflict, and their complex interrelationship. The author explores nonlinear, dynamic, often multidirectional processes that involve multiple actors liked to each other in different ways and driven by diverse motivations and interests at levels from local to global. Analysis of big data on various parameters of conflicts, truces and peace agreements is combined with a theoretical (re)conceptualization of peace processes, development of new typologies of truces and armed actors using violence at the stage of the peace process, and an in-depth study of the two most acute cases of recent years – the Syria and Ukraine (Russia–Ukraine) conflicts. Symbolically, it is with the Iranian colleagues that the IMEMO-based attempt to explore this multifaceted and multicolored mosaic with the use of a complex methodology was the first to resonate internationally. The publication of the Persian edition of the book is a joint contribution of the Russian academia and Iranian experts in developing the field of peace and conflict studies and an evidence of mutual interest. IMEMO expresses deep thanks to translators Dr Aref Bijan and Shokoofeh Mohammadi who invested much effort into the Persian edition, as well as to the author of the Preface, Dr Mojtaba Maghsoudi, and the editorial team at the Peace Culture Charter Institute, Tehran.

Keywords: war | peace | armed conflicts | peace processes | peace agreements | ceasefires | typology of ceasefires | ceasefire violations | conflict outcomes | "no peace no war" format | violent spoilers | Syria | Donbass |


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Between War and Peace: Peace Processes and Armed Violence. – Moscow : IMEMO, 2023. – 198 р.

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