Metamorphoses of European Identity.
The article focuses on the factors and mechanisms of European identity formation in the context of European integration. An overview of the public debate on identity formation is provided with special attention to the role of EU institutions and, in particular, of European citizenship in the emergence of a common identity. The content of European identity is analyzed on the basis of shared values and cultural characteristics and in correlation with other identity components important for the citizens of Europe, first of all with national identity. How far can identity construction go and how important are these issues for the future of the EU, for the common future of Europe and its citizens? By putting forward these questions the author draws attention to the crucial importance of identity factors in the development of a common polity at both nation-state and supranational (EC) levels.
Russian Science Citation Index
Vasiliev Victor
Austrian Identity and European Integration / Vasilyev V.I.
Vainshtein Gregory
European Identity: the Desired and the Real.
Prokhorenko Irina
Трансформации европейского политического пространства: измерения и направления. /И.Л. Прохоренко, И.А. Чихарев // Политическая наука. – 2014. – № 2. – С. 8 –25
Semenenko Irina
Political Identity and Identity Politics / Semenenko Irina S.
Sidorova Elena
Economic component of the 2017-elections in the "locomotives of the EU" and the issues of European construction / International Economic Relations: the pluralism of opinions in the era of changes. Collective monograph. Ed. by prof. L.S. Revenko. – Moscow, “MGIMO-University”, 2017, pp. 92-102.
Prokhorenko Irina
National identity in the conditions of regional integration: case of Spain
Klinova Marina
France’ Economy for the Future of Europe [Text] / M.V. Klinova // Nauchno-analiticheskij vestnik Instituta Evropy RAN (Scientific Analytical Bulletin of the Institute of Europe, RAS). – 2018. – No 5. – P. 133–139.
Gadzhiev Kamaludin
National Identity: Conceptual Aspect / GADZHIEV K.S.
Semenenko Irina
Потенциал европейской идентичности как ресурса политической интеграции. Что показали выборы в Европарламент [Текст] / И.С. Семененко // Человек. Сообщество. Управление. – 2014. – № 3. – С. 21.07.2015.
Prokhorenko Irina
Identity as Key to Understanding World Politics. Journal of International Analytics 15, no. 1 (2024): 11-19.
Prokhorenko Irina
Eurozone Crisis As a Challenge to the Spanish Development Model
Prokhorenko Irina
Euroskepticism in the Iberian manner.
Lapkin Vladimir
Modernization, Globalization, Identity. General Problems and Russian Particularities.
Klinova Marina
The State in Valéry Giscard d'Estaing Economic Policy: Retrospective and Modern Context // Modern and Contemporary History.2021, Issue 6, pp. 165-177.
Sidorova Elena
European Economic Integration. Chapter in the monograph, pp. 286-294: International Economic Relations in the global Economy: a textbook for undergraduate and graduate programs / I.N. Platonova (ed.). - Moscow: Urait Publishing house, 2019. - 528 p.
Prokhorenko Irina
Spanish Far-Right Party “Vox”
Prokhorenko Irina
Nationalism, Separatism, Terrorism / Prokhorenko I.
Semenenko Irina
О III-их Субботних политологических чтениях, проводимых Школой политических исследований Института общественных наук РАНХиГС совместно с РАПН и Академией политической науки 19.09.2020 / участники дискуссии И. С. Семененко, Н.М. Дробижева, Г.С. Климова // Дискурс-Пи. 2020. № 3. С. 112-121.
Arbatova Nadezhda
Strategic Autonomy of the European Union: Reality or Good Intention?
Pantin Vladimir , Lapkin Vladimir
State-Building in The Republic of Belarus: The Role of Social Cleavages and Political Divides. — South-Russian Journal of Social Sciences. 2022. Vol. 23. No. 2. Pp. 6-17.
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