Adno Yuri
Металлургия: преодоление трудностей современного этапа // Сталь. 2024. № 5. С. 43-48.
Publication Type:

ISSN 0038-920X

The article is devoted to the analysis of the main trends in the development of the world metallurgy in 2023. The main events were the slowldown in China and economical acceleration of India, that connected with structural shiftings, and with increase ecological expenditures. Russian metallurgy experienced crisis due to Western sanctions and difficult situation in the domestic market of metal products. Under such leading companies were able to select and secure the rational development, overcoming the turbulence in financial and commodity markets. Is marked the uncertain prognosis value of development of branch.

Keywords: China | India | Russia | decarbonisation | domestic market | uncertain of prognosis |

Russian Science Citation Index


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