Adno Yuri
Metallurgy 2015: Instability and uncertainity
Publication Type:

ISSN 0132-0890

It is shown in the paper, that majority of leading countries have already overcome the fi nancial and economical crisis, however, the situation in the global economy is far from optimistic, meaning close prospects. Slow restoration of global markets is characterized by inequality of economical growth and instability of de-velopment tendencies. Search of the new model of economical growth have to base on correct understanding of recent changes in the world. Economical growth of the developed countries can be slower and evidently will remain such in the nearest future. It is clear that Russia should fi nd its own model of economical development, based on increase of investments, rise of productivity and more efficient use of natural resources. The authorities have to pay attention on the measures of state support, such as freezing the prices of natural monopolies and lowering the bank interest rate. But the most important is to provide improvement of investing cli-mate and elimination of state participation in those areas where it is not effective. Unfortunately, we need to state that the proposed project «Strategy of development of the Russian metallurgical industry until 2030» is rather declarative and does not take into account the real forthcoming problems. 

Russian Science Citation Index


Adno Yuri
Russian iron and steel industry: problems of diversification.

Kondrat’ev Vladimir
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