Bogacheva Olga, Smorodinov O.
Механизмы реализации стратегии научно-технологического развития в Европейском союзе // Актуальные вопросы современной экономики: электронный журнал. 2022. № 10. С. 1-25. DOI 10.34755/IROK.2022.95.97.034. URL: http://xn--80aimpg.xn--80ae9b7b.xn--p1ai/Files/ArticleFiles/3fd5207c-3575-4cc2-aea5-5acf3dd43a9f.pdf. Дата публикации: 31.10.2022.
Publication Type:

DOI 10.34755/IROK.2022.95.97.034

The article analyzes the main mechanisms for implementing EU Framework Programs for Research and Technological Development. Evolution of each of these mechanisms, their role in the implementation of the Framework Programs, including the current one - Horizon Europe - is considered. It is emphasized that the European Technology Platforms are the fundamental mechanism that ensures high efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of the last three Framework Programs. The platforms not only generate ideas that form the basis of work plans of Framework Programs, but also are the source of formation of strategic public-private partnerships (PPPs) - contractual and institutional PPPs. It is concluded that the growing role of public-private partnerships in implementing the goals of EU strategy in the field of science, technology and innovation is associated, on the one hand, with the high interest of private business in participating in such partnerships, and on the other hand, in the skillful management of partnerships. by the European Commission and its relevant directorates that support balance of interests of the key stakeholders.

Keywords: Framework Programs for Research and Technological Development | European Technology Platforms | contractual public/private partnerships | Joint Technology Initiatives | technology readiness levels |


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