Zagashvili Vladislav
Crisis of the institutional structure of international trade
ISSN 2072-8042
Crisis of the institutional structure of international trade
Publication Type:
ISSN 2072-8042
The article deals with the institutional structure of international trade. The analysis includes the major factors of the current crisis of the World Trade Organization and the causes that hinder the course of the Doha Round of multilateral trade negotiations. Consideration is given to such factors as the crisis of 2008-2009, strengthening of developing countries’ positions, creation of new regional trade blocs, transnational production and global value chains. It is noted that despite the breakthrough at the WTO Conference in Bali the main reasons of crisis of the institutional structure of international trade are still to be overcome.
Keywords: international trade | institutional structure | World Trade Organization | regional trade agreements |
Russian Science Citation Index
Zagashvili Vladislav
The World Trade Organization in the face of new challenges
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WTO and mega-regional trade agreements
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Zagashvili Vladislav
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Zagashvili Vladislav
Issues of the Doha WTO Round
Portansky Alexey
A Long Way from Bretton Woods to Buenos Aires
Zagashvili Vladislav
Возможные последствия присоединения России к ВТО / В.С. Загашвили // Российский внешнеэкономический вестник. – 2011. – № 5. – С. 10–16.
Portansky Alexey
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Obolenskiy Vladimir
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Zagashvili Vladislav
Countertrade: Pros and Cons
Chudinova Ksenia
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