Sidorova Elena
The crisis and its consequences for the economies of Germany, Great Britain and Russia // Economy of the XXI century. - 2010. - № 5. - S. 107-122.
The crisis and its consequences for the economies of Germany, Great Britain and Russia // Economy of the XXI century. - 2010. - № 5. - S. 107-122.
Publication Type:
Keywords: the global economic crisis | crisis management plans | Government deficit | State debt |
Shishkov Yu.
Многослойный глобальный кризис / Ю.В. Шишков // Общественные науки и современность. – 2009. – № 4. – С. 139–148.
Sidorova Elena
Anti-crisis programmes in Germany and Great Britain / Sidorova E.A. // World Economics. – 2010. – No 4. – 2010. – P. 29-37.
Smyslov Dmitry
Внешнее финансирование России в переходный период. М., ИМЭМО РАН, 2001, 16 п.л.
Klinova Marina
The European Union States in Search of the Way out of the Great Recession / Klinova M.V. // Urgent Problems of Europe. 2011. – No 1. – P. 80–107.
Kirichenko Elina
Growing budget deficit and national debt: estimates, problems, risks
Klinova Marina
The role of State in France Economy: test for Coronavirus
Klinova Marina
The State in the Economy of the European Union – Impossible to Expand, to Narrow? / Klinova Marina // Eсonomicheskie strategii. – 2010. – No 4. – P. 34-39.
Afontsev Sergey
Crisis Management in Global Finance.
Kirichenko Elina
Проблемы долгового потолка: грозит ли США технический дефолт // США и Канада: экономика, политика, культура. 2023. № 8. С. 7-16. DOI 10.31857/S2686673023080011.
Obolenskiy Vladimir
Global crisis and foreign trade of Russia / Obolenskiy V.P.
Gutnick Anna
Economic crisis in the UK: it’s specific features and measures undertaken to overcome it
Bogacheva Olga, Sidorenko V, Yastrebova O
Adoption of Program Budgeting: Issues and Solutions / Bogacheva Olga V., Sidorenko Valery V., Yastrebova Olga K.
Levchenko A.
Sovereign Wealth Funds as National Economy Stabilisers / Levchenko Anna V.
Bragina Elena
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Global Crisis: Reasons, Consequences and Russia (Returning to What’s Been Read).
Sidorova Elena
Supranational Budget Regulation in the EU: Crisis and after Crisis / The Financial Crisis and Political Economy of the International Relations.7th Russian International Studies Association Convention. MGIMO-University, 2012, 28-29 September. Ed. I.N. Platonova. Moscow, Aspect-Press, MGIMO-University, 2013. P. 84-91.
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The World Crisis: An Impetus to Develop Innovation.
Chetverikova Anna
Czech economiy in the context of current crisis / Chetverikova A.S.
Sidorova Elena
European Union: Common budget after Lisbon // Contemporary Europe. 2011. No 4. P. 109-123.
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