Klinova Marina
The “Ariadne’s Space Thread” for France and Europe in the Mid-Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries. Modern and Contemporary History. 2024. Vol. 68. Issue 4, pp. 159-172. (In Russian)
Publication Type:

ISSN 0130-3864

DOI 10.31857/S0130386424040127

In the twenty-first century, the importance of space exploration is increasing in the economic, political, and military spheres of social life. In this article, the author analyses, starting from the twentieth century, the historical experience of gaining access to space in the countries of Western Europe, including its regional integration association, the European Union, by means of launch vehicles. The absence of a detailed study of the role of France in the process of creating the first European launch vehicle in Russian historiography determines its novelty. The source base comprises archives, documents and materials of the French National Assembly, official structures of the EU and the European Space Agency (ESA), research articles, monographs drawing on memoirs. The purpose of the study is to analyze the history of the development and establishment of the French and European space exploration programs using the Ariane family of launch vehicles and the role of France in these processes. The author’s objectives are to identify the historical role of scientists from Germany, defeated in World War II, in the creation of France’s scientific and technical base, which allowed it to become the only nuclear power in the EU in the second half of the twentieth century and one of the world leaders in space exploration; to consider the process of providing autonomous access to space for Western Europe by creating its own launch vehicles with the key financial and technical contribution by France and with the participation of ESA; to analyse the role of space technologies and programmes in ensuring security, organizing reconnaissance from space. An analysis of the sources and literature on the topic leads to the conclusion that the pricing policy in the European space industry and strategic competition with space powers prevents European launch vehicles from strengthening their position in this market and achieving autonomy from third countries in access to outer space. Despite the long experience of post-war scientific and technological research and related advances in space exploration, it is difficult for France and Europe to achieve strategic autonomy in this important branch of human endeavour.

Keywords: France | European Union | space | space exploration | rocket-space technology | new technologies | space research | space security |

Russian Science Citation Index


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