Концепция устойчивого развития и ее влияние на финансовые рынки
ISSN 2075-1915
DOI 10.36992/2075-1915_2023_08_10
The implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is accompanied by the restructuring of many economic institutions, including financial ones, the emergence of new instruments, changes in the policies of non-financial companies, banks and non-bank financial institutions. The article discusses various concepts related to sustainable development. There is a departure from the neoclassical concept that focuses on private interest and the transition of companies to a policy that takes into account environmental and social factors. Private business initiatives aimed at implementing ESG principles in business work are considered: UNPRI, Equator Principles, Sustainable Stock Exchanges (SSE) Initiative. Conclusions are drawn about the need to unify ESG ratings and ESG reporting.
Keywords: financial market | ESG | sustainable development | SDGs | sustainable finance | corporate social responsibility | financial institutions | sustainable investment | sustainable instruments |
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