Danilin Ivan, Sidorova Elena
The concept of technological sovereignty in the transforming world
Publication Type:

ISSN 2221-2264

The article examines the evolution of the technological sovereignty concept in the context of economic globalization, growing complexity of the high-tech sector, new geopolitical realities, COVID 19 pandemic, and the development of digital technologies. At present, key approaches to the technological sovereignty are protective function (restrictions against competitors) and the industrial model which stresses national technological independence (most important R&D competencies, production). The article argues that rising global technological interdependence and resource constraints limit efficiency of both protective and industrial approaches. The article highlights formation of a new «open» technological sovereignty model, based on a system of international partnerships and coopetition (with geopolitical and other requirements included). Authors argue, that adaptation of the technological sovereignty concepts to the new realities is needed, as well as responding to the challenges of the “open” model, including its relationship with traditional political sovereignty, defining the criteria of technological independence, and goalsetting (security, global leadership, climate change, etc.).

Keywords: technological sovereignty | high technology sector | most developed nations | China | emerging technologies | strategic autonomy |

Russian Science Citation Index


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Danilin Ivan
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