Solovyev Eduard
Концепции «относительной депривации» в условиях «цветных революций» XXI века. В сб: Современное медиапространство: тенденции развития и практики изучения. Под. ред. Н.Л. Мысливец. Минск : Колорград. – 2024. – С. 204–209.
Publication Type:

The article presents an analysis of the applicability of the so–called "relative deprivation" concepts of political destabilization in the new, modern conditions of an information-saturated and rapidly digitalizing world. It is shown that the conceptual provisions on the destabilizing effect of absolute deprivation (i.e., reduction of the resource base, reduction of income of the population) do not fully correspond to the situation in countries where manifestations of the so called "color revolutions" of the XXI century were observed. At the same time, the provisions of the concept of the influence of so-called relative deprivation (in particular, the demonstration effect) remain relevant and relevant. At the same time, it is noted that the provisions of the concept of relative deprivation are easily applicable to the explanation and description of political processes retrospectively, already after the events that have occurred and do not have significant predictive capabilities. The key to measuring the level of "deprivation" of individuals, social groups and society as a whole remains field sociological research.

Keywords: relative deprivation | revolutions | political systems | political processes | political science | political psychology | sociological researches |


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