Democratic Climate Agenda and US Environmental-Friendly Technologies
ISSN 2686-6730
DOI 10.31857/S268667300015220-2
The article shows the essence of the climate agenda of the American Democrats, assesses the participation of US companies in the development of environmentally friendly technologies for processing solid industrial and domestic waste, measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy conservation. The potential role of new technologies in deep economic restructuring is assessed, the basic principle of which should be balanced co-development with the natural environment. It is difficult to overestimate the process of transition to a nature-saving economy, bearing in mind its enormous role, first of all, in terms of easing pressure on the biosphere, as well as the prospects for the depletion of brown hydrocarbons, which significantly change the market environment. Therefore, companies need to develop a new paradigm for managing their own long-term development and competitiveness in the face of increasing resource and environmental constraint. The consequences associated with both anthropogenic activities and natural processes are increasingly causing concern not only for scientists, but also for the population of USA and many other countries. Among the clear signs of an imbalance in the ecosystem are a decrease in the area of forests and biodiversity, deterioration in the health of citizens caused by natural anomalies and environmental pollution. As a result, the planet is at risk of catastrophic damage. A separate section is devoted to the study of the role of ESG metrics in investment decisions, taking into account the accumulated experience of the United States and European countries. Provides a table with examples of ESG metrics that are taken into account by responsible investment funds when assessing the activities of companies. The author also raises the problem of utilization of harmful wastes in the USA, their processing and multiple use. All these issues need to be considered not in isolation but in a broad format of sustainable development.
Keywords: climatic and anthropogenic factors | environmental justice | ecological risks | the market of environmentally friendly technologies | energy efficiency improvement | environmental reports | green certificates | greenhouse gases | emission standards | biofuel |
Russian Science Citation Index
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