Climate Policy of Singapore. Yugo-Vostochnaya Aziya: aktual`nyye problemy razvitiya, 2022, T. 1, No 1 (54). Pp. 215–222.
ISSN 2072-8271
DOI 10.31696/2072-8271-2022-1-1-54-215-222
The article analyzes the specifics of the ongoing measures to combat climate change, the need for which is due to the extreme vulnerability of Singapore to the effects of climate warming and the implementation of international mandatory measures to reduce CO2 emissions. This determines the two-dimensional nature of the ongoing climate policy, which, on the one hand, is aimed at adapting to climate change, and on the other hand, at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Answering the question posed in the article about how adequate the current climate policy is to the tasks set, the author comes to the conclusion that despite the progress made in the development of green technologies and improving the efficiency of energy resources, Singapore remains dependent on the use of fossil fuels and a hostage to the ongoing economic policy in damage to environmental interests.
Keywords: Singapore | Paris Agreement 2016 | climate policy | economic development |
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