Malyshev Dmitry
Kerch crisis and the status of the Azov sea
Publication Type:

ISSN 2618-7426

The current state of RussianUkrainian relations in the context of the Kerch crisis is examined in the article. In interstate relations between Russia and the Ukraine, great importance has recently been attached to the issues related to the problem of the Azov-Black Sea region. There, due to the Kerch incident, which occurred on November 25, 2018 in the Kerch Strait of the Sea of Azov, relations between the two countries once again aggravated. The author analyzes the current state of Russian-Ukrainian relations on the eve of the presidential elections in the Ukraine scheduled for March 31, 2019. The main attention is paid to the political and legal status of the Azov sea, as well as to the development of the situation here in the context of the ongoing Kerch crisis. The article analyzes the treaties and agreements that operate in the Sea of Azov between Russia and the Ukraine. The author examines also the impact of the November crisis in the Kerch Strait on the Russian-Ukrainian relations. The author examines the impact of the November crisis in the Kerch Strait on Russian-Ukrainian relations and reveals the reaction of the world community to the events occurring in connection with the Kerch crisis.

Keywords: Russian Federation | the Ukraine | the Azov Sea | the Azov-Black Sea region | the Kerch Strait | crisis | political and legal status |

Russian Science Citation Index


Malyshev Dmitry
Kerch crisis and the status of the Azov Sea

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