Rubtsov Boris
Изменения в архитектуре финансовых рынков после мирового экономического кризиса 2007-2009 гг. // Банковские услуги. 2020. № 10. С. 9-21. DOI 10.36992/2075-1915_2020_10 _9.
Publication Type:

ISSN 2075-1915

DOI 10.36992/2075-1915_2020_10 _9

The article examines changes in the architecture of world financial markets over the past 20 years, as well as evaluates the role of the financial sector in the economies of leading countries. The structure of the financial system of Russia is compared with other countries. The dynamics of financial assets in relation to GDP is considered. There are such trends as an increase in the share of institutional investors in the total assets of financial institutions, while the share of banks decreases. The balance of power in the world banking market is analyzed. The main empirical base is the statistics of the Financial Stability Board.

Russian Science Citation Index


Rubtsov Boris
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Reforming the World Monetary and Financial Architecture: 1990-2000 s.

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Глобальные финансы: будущее, вызовы роста / Я.М. Миркин при участии Т.В. Жуковой, А.В. Комовой, М.М. Кудиновой; ИМЭМО РАН. – М.: Изд-во «Лингва-Ф», 2019. – 192 с.

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