Prokhorenko Irina
Spanish Far-Right Party “Vox”
Publication Type:

ISSN 2313-1438

DOI 10.22363/2313-1438-2022-24-2-234-246

The “Vox” party has turned into an influential actor of the European politics due to its electoral success; institutional and ideological adaptation to the country’s changing party landscape; attempts to create its own institutional, organizational, informational, and creative resources; as well as its policy of forming strong alliances with European and American rightwing conservative forces. Based on the spatial approach (categories of political space and political identity) and discourse-analysis, the author tries to comprehend the policy guidelines of “Vox”; determines the place of the party in the political system and the media sphere of Spain; defines the role that “Vox” plays in shaping the regional agenda of the EU. The study focuses on the political and institutional aspects of how “Vox” strengthens its relations with similar EU parties based on partisan and ideological identity, designing alternative projects of European integration, and establishing a new, ideologized format for the relations of Spain (and more broadly - the EU) and the Ibero-American countries. The author concludes about the structuring and the formal institutionalization of communications and political interactions between the far-right political elites which carries risks for the EU’s efforts to create a macropolitical identity and the metanarrative of memory, therefore, potentially leading to political divisions in the EU.

Keywords: Spain | European Union | party “Vox” | Spanish party system | far-right | political identity | party identity | European identity | EU’s transnational political space |

Russian Science Citation Index


Semenenko Irina
Political Identity and Identity Politics / Semenenko Irina S.

Prokhorenko Irina
National identity in the conditions of regional integration: case of Spain

Vasiliev Victor
Right populism in Germany: a disturbing trend / VI Vasilyev V.I. // Observer. - 2017. - № 1. - P. 47 - 65.

Prokhorenko Irina
Eurozone Crisis As a Challenge to the Spanish Development Model

Prokhorenko Irina
Autonomous Communities of Spain in the Political Space of the European Union / Prohorenko I.L.

Vasiliev Victor
Austrian Identity and European Integration / Vasilyev V.I.

Prokhorenko Irina
Euroskepticism in the Iberian manner.

Vainshtein Gregory
European Identity: the Desired and the Real.

Gadzhiev Kamaludin
National Identity: Conceptual Aspect / GADZHIEV K.S.

Kholodkovskii Kirill
Трудная перестройка политической системы Италии [Текст] / К.Г. Холодковский // Вестник Европы. – 2014. – № XL-XLI. – С. 40 – 41.

Semenenko Irina
Потенциал европейской идентичности как ресурса политической интеграции. Что показали выборы в Европарламент [Текст] / И.С. Семененко // Человек. Сообщество. Управление. – 2014. – № 3. – С. 21.07.2015.

Peregudov Sergey
National-State Identity and the Problems of the Russian State’s Consolidation.

Semenenko Irina, Lapkin Vladimir , Pantin Vladimir
Identity in the System of Coordinates of the World Development.

Prokhorenko Irina
Трансформации европейского политического пространства: измерения и направления. /И.Л. Прохоренко, И.А. Чихарев // Политическая наука. – 2014. – № 2. – С. 8 –25

Lapkin Vladimir
Modernization, Globalization, Identity. General Problems and Russian Particularities.

Semenenko Irina
Nationalism, Separatism, and Democracy. New Patterns of National Identity in “Old” Europe

Prokhorenko Irina
Identity as Key to Understanding World Politics. Journal of International Analytics 15, no. 1 (2024): 11-19.

Pantin Vladimir
National and civilization identity: Russian specificity / Pantin Vladimir I.
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