Klinova Marina
Islam in Europe. Yesterday, nowadays, tomorrow … / Moslems in Europe. Coexistence, cooperation, dialogue of civilizations: Monograph. – Moscow: Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021, pp. 10-17. – Reports of the Institute of Europe, 2021. No. 382, 158 p. (in Russian). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15211/report42021_382. – ISBN 978-5-98163-174-0
Publication Type:

ISBN 978-5-98163-174-0

This collective monograph results from the researches of groups of experts in Islamic studies from different regions of Russia. Its articles are joint by the topic of dialogue of Islamic and European civilizations on the territory of the Old World. New times set new challenges: migration, demography, pandemic etc. And sometimes Europeans do not have adequate responses to the new challenges of modernity. This study is the first, but, hopefully, not the last, experience of scientific dialogue on this topic.

Keywords: Islam | migration | intercivilizational dialogue | Europe |


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International Migration and the Developing Economies.

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Russian migrants in the EU countries

Kholodkovskii Kirill
Западная Европа: изменения в политическом механизме. 12 а.л.

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Challenges and Prospects of Global Migrations / Shishkov Yuri

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Tsapenko Irina
Migration Control: Developed Countries’ Experience. Moscow, Academia Publishers, 2009.
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