Iraqi Kurdistan at the Crossroads of History. Vestnik Instituta vostokovedenija RAN. 2024. No. 3. Pp. 161–166. DOI: 10.31696/2618-7302-2024-3-161-166.
ISSN 2618-7302
The article examines the political and socio-economic situation of Iraqi Kurds, their special status in the state and the nature of relationships with their fellow tribesmen in neighboring countries. The author considers the Kurdish Autonomous Region in Iraq, or, as it is also commonly called, Iraqi Kurdistan, the vanguard of the Kurdish national liberation movement, the cultural and educational center of ethnic Kurdistan. An important achievement of the Iraqi Kurds is the fact that they achieved equal rights and freedoms with the Arab majority in the country and enshrined this in the country’s constitution. To some extent, this Kurdish enclave can serve as an example of a peaceful solution to the Kurdish problem for other countries where millions of Kurds live compactly. The status of a federal subject in the new democratic Iraq allows the Iraqi Kurds not only to preserve their national identity, but also to develop cross-border trade, economic and other ties and contacts with the Kurds in the neighboring provinces of Turkey, Iran and Syria, without violating the laws of these states. The author considers the activities of militants of the Turkish Kurdistan Workers’ Party and its satellites, who provoke the Turkish and Iranian authorities to retaliatory punitive operations and missile and bomb attacks on the border settlements of Iraqi Kurdistan, as one of the factors destabilizing the situation in northern Iraq and in the region as a whole. Very important is the thesis that, artificially inflated by Turkish and other politicians, the threat of Kurdish separatism — the creation of Greater Kurdistan, today has no basis, grounds or arguments. There is not yet a common Kurdish ideology, any unified political organization, or a common leader. Each Kurdish community in the above countries is at a different stage of its self-determination and acts independently. Moreover, the Iraqi Kurds are a link in unstable Iraq and play an important mediating role in overcoming government crises between the Shia Arab and Sunni Arab blocs; together with the Syrian Kurds, they were able not only to successfully resist the invasion of the Islamic State (banned in the Russian Federation), but they also took an active part in the liberation of the territories of Iraq and Syria from this terrorist monster.
Keywords: Iraqi Kurds | tribesmen | Turkey | Syria | Iran | cross-border cooperation |
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