Nozdrev Stanislav
International financial market - the current state of development.
ISSN 2072-8042
International financial market - the current state of development.
Publication Type:
ISSN 2072-8042
The article deals with the modern aspects of fi nancial globalization: growing scope of transformation of the local financial resources into international, increasing role of these resources as a source of economic development, expansion of new financial instruments. The characteristic of «financial depth» with regard to the global fi nancial market is given. The author makes some evaluations of the development of Russia’s international financial cooperation, the prospects for gradual integration of the financial market in the global institutional framework.
Keywords: financial globalization | international financial market | domestic financial market | crossborder resources | IPO | financial depth | G20 |
Russian Science Citation Index
International financial market - the current state of development / Nozdrev S.V.
Nozdrev Stanislav
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