Инфраструктурная конкуренция США и КНР в развивающихся странах // Общественные науки и современность. 2022. № 5. С. 60-75. DOI 10.31857/S0869049922050021.
ISSN 0869-0499
DOI 10.31857/S0869049922050021
The article provides a brief comparative analysis of US and Chinese infrastructure projects. The world-system approach, which allows to establish the objective possibilities and limitations of the strategies of the United States and China as interconnected parts of the world economy and politics, was chosen as a methodological basis. The first part of the article describes the world-system approach, as well as the position of the People's Republic of China in the modern system of international relations. The second part is devoted to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative. The third part provides an analysis of counter-initiatives put forward by the United States.
Russian Science Citation Index
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China's Role in a Globalizing World
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Mikheev Vasily , Lukonin Sergey, Ignatev Sergei
China and Global Leadership
Dmitriev Sergey
United States: the claim for world leadership in hydrocarbon energy
Avilova Agnessa
Китайский капитал в странах ЕС: пример Португалии // Общественные науки и современность. 2020. № 6. С. 65-77. DOI 10.31857/S086904990013050-7.
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Khesin Efim
Global Governance: Financial Aspect (Book Review «New Approaches to Global Financial Regulation» Edited by L.S. Khudyakova)
Stefanovich Dmitry
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Dmitriev Sergey
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Shultseva Vera
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Rogozhin Alexander
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China's Digital Silk Road
Varnavskii Vladimir
Глобальная транспортно-логистическая инфраструктура // Вестник Российской академии наук. 2021. Т. 91, № 2. С. 157-166. DOI 10.31857/S0869587321020110.
Lukonin Sergey
Китай: новая нормальность крупным планом [Текст] / С.А. Луконин // Металлы Евразии. – 2017. – № 2 (126). – С. 54-55.
Lukonin Sergey
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