Selyanin Yaroslav
U.S. Information and Biotechnology: Catalyzing Effect of COVID-19
Publication Type:

ISSN 0869-0499

DOI 10.31857/S086904990014233-8

Information technologies have long been used for biological research. However, the COVID-19 pandemic became a catalyst for consolidating the resources of the U.S. IT-industry in this sphere, including private and public, civilian and military entities. Moreover, in the United States biotechnologies is considered as one of the main areas, which development directly depends on the success of artificial intelligence research. The article considers the role of U.S. leading IT-companies in the fight against the pandemic, some approaches of U.S. government agencies to conducting biological research, proposals of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence of the United States in the development of the biotechnology industry.

Keywords: USA | artificial intelligence | machine learning | supercomputers | high performance computing | biotechnology | dual use research |

Russian Science Citation Index


Selyanin Yaroslav
U.S. Intelligence Community and Artificial Intelligence

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